Personal Data Processing Policy

To adhere to the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562, Smartsec pro company has enhanced its privacy protection policy.

This involves refining the terms of service and privacy policy on the website

Additionally, the company has implemented data security measures in line with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act for the benefit of users.

The company wishes to notify you that we have revised the terms and conditions of our services.

This update includes outlining the rights and responsibilities of both the company and associated users regarding data collection, the use of data, and the disclosure of personally identifiable information.

These encompass all data previously collected and utilized prior to the enactment of the Personal Data Protection Act. Whether derived from survey opinions, data stored as per service details in the contract, or information aligned

with company services, the company will adhere to the specified service period for data collection and usage.

The company places significant emphasis on safeguarding personal data.

If the owner of personal data or the service user wishes to refrain from data collection, terminate contact,

cease data usage, or disallow the disclosure of personal data beyond its intended purpose or without consent—contrary to the company's privacy protection policy or legal requirements

—they may request the company to fulfill these preferences.

If you would like more information about the terms and conditions of service or the company’s privacy protection policy, please contact the Personal Data Protection Officer by email to

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